Week 2 - At Home Learning

  1. Monday
    1. Reread “The Interlopers.”
    2. Watch a video on suspense and notice HOW authors create suspense.
    3. Make notes on how Saki creates suspense within the text. 
  2. Tuesday 
    1. Prepare to write an ending to the short story. Their ending must include...
      1. The same omniscient point of view
      2. setting/imagery
      3. An appropriate pace
      4. Dramatic Irony
      5. A Denouement to the plot. 
    2. Writing Prompt- You have just read a short story, “The Interlopers” by Saki. This text ends with a cliffhanger. Continue the short story by writing a denouement in an omniscient point of view.
    3. Outline/plan your writing. 
  3. Wednesday and Thursday.
    1. Write to the prompt 30 min. each day. 
    2. Revise and edit your narrative writing.  
    3. Score your narratives using the following scoring system: 4, 3, 2,1, 0


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