
Showing posts from October, 2020

Week 2

 Students will take a practice quiz with a writing component about poetry on Monday. Then, they will finish any lessons/work from last week. The rest of the week will be divided between writing lessons and comparing literary works to their multimedia formats (movie scripts).  Prompt dissection and selected the best evidence will be the writing lessons taught. In addition, students will continue to read The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and practice analyzing literary elements with it.  Finally, they will practice poetry skills in preparation for a cold quiz the following week. 

Week 1

 2nd 9 Weeks is here! Lessons in class will shift from understanding narrative/ informational texts to analyzing literary/informational texts through writing in this 9 weeks.  Teachers will review analysis writing strategies for body paragraphs in addition to teaching skills associated with mood(diction/connotation) and perspective. Students will practice these skills with "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" as they begin the short story. Some poetry terms will be reviewed while reading "The Raven" as well.   On Friday, students will take a practice cold quiz on poetry. 

Week 10

 As a continuation of last week, students will learn about soliloquy and monologue from dramatic form. A variety of media (plays, television, movies) will be used to practice recognizing and understanding these dramatic elements.  The end of the week will be spent writing a soliloquy for a test grade. This graded assignment will be the first test grade for the 2nd 9 weeks.  RWITD will review the most missed questions from Mini Assessment 1.1. 

Week 9

 Fall Break is Monday and Tuesday! Enjoy your days off. This week will be spent learning about Dramatic Form/Structure. Students will analyze excerpts from dramas and a novel ( Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet ,  Romeo, Juliet: Vampires vs. Werewolve s, and Call of the Wild ) to understand the form and how it is similar to and different from other literary forms.  In addition, they will learn how the form impacts meaning. 

Week 8

 Nonfiction skills are the focus of week 8. Students will learn about the different text structures, part to whole for development, and the connection between informational text and literature.  On Thursday, students will practice these skills in preparation for a mini-assessment that will be given on Friday. 

Week 7

 Flex Week Different assignments as needed per class and teacher