Students will write two essays this week: a literary analysis on point of view and an argument analysis. Also, they will learn about motif in The Pearl and complete a tracker. Cycle 8 vocab quiz is on Friday.
Welcome Back! This short week will be spent doing remediation and makeup work. Students will be given a chance to finish any missed assignments. If a student is up to date, then they will work on practicing skills such as writing, recognizing themes, and multiple-choice using the short story, "The Sniper."
"Give me liberty or give me death!" We are going to be reading about the Revolutionary War and our founding fathers over the next few weeks. Our anchor text will be The Duel . It is an account of the parallel lives of Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. Using this text and more we will practice recognizing text structures, analysing differing perspectives and comparing/contrasting different accounts of the same event. On Thursday, we will take a cold quiz , and on Friday we will take our Cycle 5 vocabulary quiz.
Students will take Cold Assessment 1.2 on Monday. The rest of the week will be spent learning about plays and terms like monologue and soliloquy. On Wednesday, students will take their Cycle 3 vocabulary quiz . On Friday, teachers will update the data for each student in their folder.
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