
Showing posts from May, 2020

Week 7 At-Home Learning

Week 7 will be a week of daily challenges. There will be no formal work this week. May 11 - Spend some time outdoors today. Write a description of something you saw or did. May 12 - Look through old photos from your childhood and/or ask someone to share stories about your childhood. Share your favorite picture and/or story.  May 13 - Solve the following riddle from The Hobbit: Q:  What is being spoken of in the following verse? Thirty white horses on a red hill, First, they champ, Then they stamp, Then they stand still. May 14 -  Show your appreciation of someone you love by doing something for them, giving them a homemade present, complimenting them or spending some time with them. Share what you did in the comments.  May 15 - Try to find the funniest (clean) video on YouTube.  Post it on Padlet. The video with the most hearts wins.  A note about grades...Per Mr. Hogan: "We will have to add the 1st 3 nine weeks grades and d...

Week 6 At-Home Learning

PLEASE CLICK TURN IN WHEN YOU COMPLETE BOTH ASSIGNMENTS. Monday: Begin the chart on Suspense in “The Most Dangerous Game.” Tuesday: Finish Suspense in “The Most Dangerous Game” chart. Wednesday: Review formatting for writing dialogue. Thursday:  Rewrite the ending scene from “The Most Dangerous Game.” Pay attention to formatting and creating suspense. Friday: Continue working on Narrative Writing “The Most Dangerous Game,” rewriting a second scene of your choice from the short story.